Wander Wonderful
The WORLD is an interesting place!!! Saunter.
Monday, December 16, 2024
Unrequited Love
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Was supposed to be doing some work tonight but stumbled upon a photo that I shouldn't have seen.
First, it made me feel indifferent. Then my mind started playing tricks with me. It told me I should feel something. It told me I should judge and I should analyze. What is this? A test of my healing?
And that sent me into the depths of my wounds. No, I think the better word today is, my scars. No longer open wounds. No longer wounds that were left there to bleed for years, wounds that used to be visited from time to time to add salty tears to and remind myself each time how painful they are.
This time, things are different. They are now scars. Healed wounds. Healed. Not perfectly, but they are no longer openly bleeding. The mark will always be there, and the tears might wash over them at times, but now, they no longer sting. Because they are no longer bleeding wounds. They are just memories. They are visible for the mind to revisit, but they hold no pain.
Surely there are some wounds that were not mended perfectly, surely for those they might still sting, but now we know how to mend them. No, actually, we now know that they CAN be mended. They don't need to bleed for us to be a person with a past. Those wounds no longer need to hold the emotions that once were.
Healing is a long journey, it truly is. But the beauty is it gets easier and easier. Every step forward is a step further away from what used to tether you to the past. By the time you realize and look back, that thing that once bothered you is now so so far away that you can't even really "see" it anymore. You know it's there, but it's so blurry you forgot how it felt like. And now the future is nearer than the past.
This journey of healing and self discovery has led me to learn who I am. And to learn to teach myself things that everyone else is too broken to learn. We can have a million people around us guiding us but at the end of the day, ultimately it is ourselves that need to steer the ship. And this I will do. I will steer this ship to complete healing.
I send myself love and compassion tonight because from the thousand of steps I have climbed up in this journey, tonight I have stumbled back down a few. But that's ok, right now I am sitting on that step that I stumbled to and I am sending my heart love and the energy to climb back up further again. Because I have climbed a thousand steps, what's does a few steps back do to my journey? Nothing. Because my intention is going forward. And as long as my mind says forward, no matter how many steps I fall back on, I will still always only continue forward.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Lessons from Adversity
Feeling like a failure has taught me that failing is only temporary, but can be permanent if we let our minds imprison us.
Anxiety has taught me not to belittle any hardship someone goes through no matter how small it seems to be.
Getting teased for being fat has taught me that mean words don't help anyone be a better version of themselves but contributes to the destruction of that person from the inside out.
Being poor has taught me that everything always works out in the end.
Poor health has taught me to be more in tuned to my body and that good health is truly priceless.
Being in stressful situations has taught me that mental health is above everything else.
Dealing with rude people has taught me that kindness is always a choice.
Meeting a selfish person has taught me that selfishness is actually living in fear.
Being judged has taught me that I do not truly know everything about a person and what they are going through.
Heartbreak has taught me that I didn't love myself enough and placed my happiness in another person's hands.
Hard times have taught me that any moment or situation is all about perspective.
Resentment has taught me that I was punishing myself all along for someone else's actions.
Frustration has taught me that I have let my ego mind take over my perspective on things far too many times by needing everyone or every situation to act out as how I expect them to be.
Fear has taught me to be a safe space for everyone who comes to me.
The lack of confidence has taught me that I didn't believe in myself enough.
Internal turmoil has taught me to be the peace that everyone searches for.
Paranoia has taught me that it is mostly my mind creating problems for myself.
Not getting everything I want has taught me to cherish what I do have.
Being on the receiving end of empty promises has taught me to fulfill all promises made or never make one.
Anger has taught me that no one makes me angry if I don't allow it.
Sadness has taught me that letting go with faith is always best.
Unpleasant situations have taught me that there is a higher purpose for every experience.
Disappointment has taught me that not everyone will behave the way we want them too and that is ok.
Trauma has taught me that I didn't have to hold on to it in order to have an identity.
Most importantly, adversities have helped me learn that healing doesn't mean forgetting, it just means remembering something but no longer with the unhealthy emotions attached to it.
Monday, April 11, 2022
Thank You
Thank you for your obsession with money so I can learn that money isn't everything.
Thank you for being materialistic so I realize that there is more beauty in intangible things.
Thank you for putting wealth above family so I know that doesn't go well in life.
Thank you for putting so much importance in a person's title and appearance, so that I know to look at a person's heart instead.
Thank you for teaching me to pretend to be a different person to different people so that I know that I only want to be the real me all the time.
Thank you for making me tell so many lies, so that I know I don't ever want to live a life full of deception.
Thank you for the hard times so I can appreciate what I have now.
Thank you for the trauma so I can learn to manage my thoughts.
Thank you for the selfishness so I know that my happiness is my own responsibility.
Thank you for rarely being around, so I know how important it is to show up.
Thank you for missing every single milestone so I know how nothing is more important than just being present for the ones who love you.
Thank you for saying I love you and I miss you, but failing to make me believe it as a child, because as an adult, I realize that actions do speak louder than words.
Thank you for believing that people only want to be around you when you are successful, so I know that I don't want to be surrounded by people like that.
Thank you for making empty promises, so I know how much value a promise should hold.
Thank you for all the disappointment for it has taught me that nothing in life is certain.
Thank you for abusing your health, as it has taught me to cherish mine.
Thank you for thinking we would be happier around a materially successful you, as I have realized that our loved ones are happy to be around us no matter who we are.
Thank you for forever holding on to the belief that your happiness will come when you achieve this big thing, for it has taught me that happiness comes from within.
Thank you for constantly putting yourself in stressful situations for the sake of money, so I can value peace before material success.
Thank you for placing value in a person's physical appearance, so I learn to place value in a person's soul.
Thank you for believing that people only love you with certain conditions, because that has taught me that true love is unconditional.
And most of all,
thank you for being exactly the way you are, because of that,
Tears shed, wounds healing.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
My Grandmother, The Unaware Teacher To My Soul
Sometimes I feel called to write about certain things but each time I write, it is an inspired action. I don't sit down and force myself to write for the sake of writing something because nothing good can come out of force. Everything good comes from inspiration.
Tonight as I was having a difficult time dealing with my grandmother, I suddenly had a thought, that I should write about the timeline of how she has been one of my life's greatest teachers.
When you read the title of this blog post, you might think that I would have wonderful, amazing stories to write about my grandmother teaching me things and imparting her wisdom onto me.
This is completely the opposite because this connection I have with her on earth has been one interesting journey and only one can find it so if they have emotionally removed themselves from the experience and look at it as an observer.
You see, she is a negative person by nature and was what I now know, addicted to negative emotions. During her coherent years when her mind was still alert, no one had thought to tell it straight to her face that she was literally a bitch and full of negativity. Well maybe because she was the matriarch of the family. And I say this with no remorse because that is a very accurate word to describe the person she was. More so in the way she treated me. Now it is too late to teach her about speaking positive words and cultivating more love in her heart because she is no longer coherent and can't understand half the things you say to her.
At one point during my early teenage years, I was the subject and her source of drama and negativity. I didn't know why she hated me so much. I was the most well behaved grandchild of hers and yet she had so many reasons to hate on me. She couldn't see the me that I truly was, but I never let my experiences with her make me a bitter person, so I never ever had any intention to "get back at her" per se, and I am grateful for that. Because many years later, she has realised that I am the only one who doesn't talk back at her. Did she for a second think why she hated me so much then?
She was the reason I cried myself to sleep every night and skipped meals so I wouldn't have to go out of the room and hear her bitching about me. No one knew this until I started opening up about it in recent years.
I came home straight from school every day, never went out unnecessarily, did everything she told me, was polite to her and was pretty much the opposite of my twin brother. And yet, she hated on me, not my brother. She found every little flaw I had and went to town with it while her other grandchildren were no better than me. Oh how odd! And that brings us to the first lesson: "A negative or bitter person will find problems or create them where there are none and that is of no fault of our own. We just happened to be in the same existence with them at that time."
Oh and I was not the only "victim" of her addiction to negativity. Before I came into her experience, she used to pick on another cousin of mine, and when we moved in to live with her, I was her new target and my cousin was off the hook. After a few years of picking on me, we had a new addition to the family by marriage, and she found her new target so I was let off the hook. So many years have passed and now that I am more conscious of her behaviours, when she picks a new person to create fresh drama, I just pretend I don't hear all the negative things she say and give no attention to it because I know how it feels to be her source of negativity. This is lesson no. 2: Sometimes, hardships we have been through, help us to be better people to the person who's going through the same. We become more conscious of how certain actions or words could affect another human being. Also, a negative person addicted to hating people, will always have someone to hate. Don't take it personally because they will have a new person to hate next.
It is true when Eckhart Tolle says, that negative emotions and the pain body we have, are addicted to and feed on negative emotions for energy. When we let ourselves do that and are not conscious of our unconscious mind, we constantly need the negativity to give us energy. Because negativity finds joy and love revolting.
She's 90 this year and thinks she's turning 100. That's how "clear" her mind is now. I no longer hold a grudge or any emotional attachment to the past she created for me because, how could I be angry with someone who now can't even tell her age? I used to see myself as a victim, but now I see myself empowered with the experience, grateful even for what has happened has taught me such invaluable lessons.
The funny thing is, I am now the only one in the family she can talk to. She acknowledges this fact now, because I'm the only one who doesn't lash back at her in anger and frustration. Everyone gets frustrated with her words and actions, more so now that she sometimes doesn't make sense when she speaks. She even thanks me for being the one who takes care of her and the one who she could ask anything. Oh how the tables have turned! If I was bound by my ego, this would be the perfect time for me to make life hell for her as how she had made mine. But I would find no pleasure in doing so and it would only harm my own being. Lesson: Be so evolved in your soul that you see the pointlessness of acting on the power you now have over someone else. Because people who live in a toxic cycle will usually end up stuck in their own toxicity, and you can be the observer from the outside, being in awe at how life turns the tables around and the way things come full circle.
I am no saint and till now there are days and nights that have been very difficult to deal with her. By difficult, I mean, keeping my own emotions in check and being conscious of my feelings and reactions. It is truly a test to the mind. Constantly reminding myself, how could I be mad at someone who thinks she's a hundred years old?
She sometimes does know how to push one's buttons. My family tell me that I'm the most patient with her but I won't deny that sometimes it's a real struggle to communicate with her. As blur as her mind could be sometimes, there is a constant trait in her that is still there: her negativity and addiction to bitching about people. Sometimes, she sits right next to me, just to babble on about her past tales, but they are almost always the negative things she remembers about events and people. It truly drains you of energy if you're not careful. This is also why no one wants to sit and watch TV with her in the living room, because she'll start spewing negativity. It's pretty sad when you think about it, but our world is what we create and we can't blame anyone for not wanting to drown in our negative energy. As I observe the things she has attracted into her life, I sometimes feel a sense of pity for her because it seems like people can't seem to help being rude to her now. Is this what we call karma? As she had spent her vibrant years causing emotional and mental hardships to others, has she sabotaged herself along the way? I dare not say this is a lesson, because I am in no place to judge someone else's karma but something to ponder here is that whatever we spend our energy in projecting, be it positivity or negativity, always comes back to greet us like a boomerang. Can we expect the world to treat us with loving kindness if all we've been busy doing was spreading hate?
I am constantly on a journey of being conscious of my unconscious mind, and so I would be lying if I said that there isn't still a tiny bit of hurt when I think about what I've been through. But it truly is just a tiny bit and I have come a long way, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be able to notice these lessons.
I do hope that you too, realise that everyone sent to our experience is there to teach us something. Sometimes we may not realise it then, and only know many years later when our soul has evolved or awakened enough to learn the lesson. Things only come to us when we are ready.
I will leave you with this quote from Eckhart Tolle:
"Human interaction can be hell. Or it can be a great spiritual practice."
Which will you choose?
Much love,
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Your Love for You
Mack Brock - I Am Loved
Monday, December 6, 2021
It was almost real,
But I would never know,
If we ever had a chance,
Or we were always just, almost there.
Here I wonder,
If we were ever a possibility,
Or was it all just my imagination,
Of something that was always meant to be almost.
How I wished that instead
of it being an almost,
You had a chance to make me hate you,
It hurts more not knowing.
Choosing to ignore,
the flashing billboards,
Telling me that this road will lead nowhere,
Yet I chose to walk it.
A beautiful path lined with pretty flowers,
But flowers I couldn't pick,
That I couldn't smell,
Flowers that I could only almost hold.
The almost path which never ends,
Continued to be walked,
Would mean that forever,
I would only almost reach.
My heart breaks fully,
For something that never got a chance to happen,
How silly it is to be hurt
about something that only almost was.
Good but just almost good enough,
Attraction but just almost love,
More than a friend but just almost the one,
Only an option and forever just almost chosen.
An almost have,
An almost could be,
Not nothing,
but never something.
Sunday, December 5, 2021
That Broken Heart
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Loving Without Attachment
Evie. 💗
Sunday, November 7, 2021
If You Were Here
My heart is heavy today.
Our precious precious little feisty girl just turned 8 yesterday. It was an awesome celebration. Everyone had lots of fun. But it just hit me today that her turning 8 means that in 4 months, her mom would have been gone for 8 years. It is true when people say that the days are long but the years are short.
Elaine has been gone for 8 years. Writing this brings tears to my eyes. She didn't even get to celebrate 1 birthday with her daughter. Well, only one, which is the actual day of her birth. Oh Elaine, life took you away from us too soon and we are heartbroken till this day.
Attending your own mum's funeral at 4 months old isn't very common. I still remember the night your mum died, when we got the news that she would be gone that night, I intentionally looked at you while you were sleeping on the bouncer in our living room, and told myself to register this moment in my memory forever, because when you're old enough to ask me the tough questions about your mum and everything that happened, I need to remember this day for you. I needed to etch this in my memories, the day you became a motherless child.
Sweet girl, I try to the best of my abilities to be the motherly love and support that you deserve, stripped away from you at such a young age. But I know, that nothing could ever replace the love of a mother. You're growing up so so fast, and at this age, you still come to me for hugs and kisses, for sweet moments, to tell me what you're excited about and I will forever cherish these moments but I know that one day this may be gone when you're all grown up. I hope you keep sharing your happy and sad moments with me even when you're 40 years old!
Elaine, thank you for blessing us with this sweet child. I wouldn't exchange her for anything in this life. But if you were here, I wouldn't be the one planning her birthday months ahead thinking what kind of cake you would've made for her. Cos you were a master baker! I love love loved making the special cakes for her birthdays but I'm not a baker, it takes a lot of work for me. If only you were here.
I always wondered, if you were here, how different would your children's personalities have been? Surely your absence in their lives have shaped them in a different way. Heck, even I would've been a totally different person. I wouldn't have questioned so much about what the meaning of life was because after you left, this question plagued me for the longest time, "What is our purpose of living?". I've still not found the answer, but I have navigated life differently because of this. And that, is another blessing from you.
I remember in the early days after you left, just the thought of you gone makes me cry wherever I was. It was usually during a still moment on the bus or train. Then I would wonder, how long it would take for me to think about you and NOT have tears in my eyes. I haven't found the answer, it still hurts, it will never not hurt but we will just get used to it. When your heart breaks, it will heal, but the scar will forever be there. I just cannot imagine how your husband William, parents, siblings, and family that have known you forever navigate this pain in their hearts. If you were here, things would be so different.
I remember how sad William was when he mentioned that he didn't have a complete family photo with you and the kids. I made it my mission to find that photo. I didn't know how I would do it because you were only around for 4 months after your daughter was born. And what a joy it was for me to find out that the angels pulled through and there was a family photo of all of you taken during a wedding. I posted that photo into a forum to ask for help to remove 2 other people from the photo and a kind soul did it for me. That was truly a blessing and a much needed photo for your daughter's emotional well being because she now knows that she exists in a world where her mum was still here. And the best part was that you were carrying her in your arms in that photo.
Elaine, your son was only 2 years old when you left. He didn't understand what happened at all. He thought you were sleeping. But he kept seeing you. He ran towards places with no one there and called out for you and then suddenly stopped short because he saw you, and then he didn't. We used to sense you around too. I remember he said he wanted to sit at the back seat of the car, because you were sitting in front. I guess he saw you.
I remember the day of your funeral, I had him close to me, teaching him to hold the joss sticks, bowing down in prayer every time the monk did. Changing his diaper during the funeral and putting him to sleep at night cos he was exhausted by all that was happening. When he sat next to me during a prayer session, I remember the butterfly that came so close to us. I have no doubt that was you.
I carried him during the funeral procession and tried to film and capture as many moments as I could with my camera because one day, I know your kids would want to see them. I have so many photos and videos of that day but almost 8 years have gone by and I have not once had the courage to open that folder in my hard disk. I know I will one day.
You were so well loved by many that every night of the 3 nights of your funeral were packed full of people. The day of your funeral procession too. There were so many people that looking back from the front, we couldn't see the end of the crowd. All of us at the front wore your bakery uniform t-shirt. It was black. I still remember that when we were walking past the houses, people were wondering out loud what we were wearing because it was out of tradition to be wearing all black as we should be wearing white t-shirts instead.
8 years is a long time but the memories are still fresh.
Oh if you were still here, how different life would've been.
Miss you and still heartbroken,
In huge contrast to my post on anxiety, I shall write something on a more positive note. Gotta balance things out ya know? 😉
I'm not always that emo but I AM human and it is only human to have waves of different emotions at different times. In the words of the wise Ronan Keating, "Life is a Rollercoaster" 😂
Blessings are in abundance. You, me, your neighbour, and that fella in Timbuktu are given many blessings in life. They're there, it's just that, a blessing is only a blessing when you notice it. When you acknowledge it. When you are grateful for it.
I'm not a religious person so I won't speak in the context of religion. I do believe in a higher power and that all roads lead to one so interpret these however you wish.
When we're feeling like we have it bad financially, do we realise that we have it way better than someone with no food?
When we're feeling lonely because we haven't found THE ONE, do we realise that the universe has given us other people who care for us? Maybe they're not right next to you now, or heck maybe you haven't even met them yet. But THERE ARE people who want the best for you, they don't have to tell you that, you just have to REALISE it.
When we feel sad that we don't have a nicer home or a luxurious lifestyle, someone out there is willing to sell a kidney in exchange for the bed you sleep on, the chair you sit on, the soft blanket you have or the clean water you drink every day.
I could list down 1001 more examples of how blessed we truly are, but if you don't get it by now, then maybe you have lots of inner work of gratitude to do.
Gratitude is kinda my main motto in life. With gratitude you can possibly overcome anything.
In fact, with gratitude YOU HAVE EVERYTHING. Get it?
Having gratitude will also align you and your energy with all the good things in life.
You've got this!
Saturday, November 6, 2021
The Many Kinds of LOVE
Love love love, so many types of love. But yet just the word love doesn't have enough depth to do the different types of love justice.
I love the sunset
I love strawberries
I love my mum
I love my dog
I love saying good morning
I love my new shoes
I love little babies
I love the sincere smiles from a child
I love the feeling of newly changed bedsheets
I love sleeping in rainy weather
I love the taste of a bowl of hot soup
I love the feeling of being cared for
I love that special someone
I love knowing I am loved
I love seeing new places
I love giving gifts
I love my best friend
All these different kinds of love, when you read each one of them, they feel different right? But we only use the word LOVE. We use the same word for all of them but yet, they all feel so different. Heck, even saying I love you to different people we love is a different feeling.
I think we can all agree that love for a romantic partner is definitely NOT THE SAME as love for sunsets. But we can all agree that love, regardless, is just beautiful. The word love itself radiates with positive energy and vibrations.
The purest and most unconditional love you could possibly have is a love from a child. I don't mean only your own child, but just any child. Anyone who knows me knows my love for children is undeniable. I don't have children of my own so this becomes a blessing to all my nephews and nieces. LOL. And I can say that I, have been blessed with having nephews and nieces.
You see, I've come to realise this that when a child is comfortable to walk up to you, talk to you and most importantly, they WANT to play with you, there you have love from a child. A child's love is so sincere because children never hide their feelings. Their faces are an exact reflection of how they are currently feeling. Adults on the other hand, hmm don't get me started. hehe.
So if you have a child laughing and smiling with you, that's love right there.
The only sad thing is that children don't keep. They grow up fast and then time seems to have just zoomed past you while you weren't paying attention.
This reminds me of a quote that really messed with my brain that says something along the lines of: Have you ever realized that there was a final and last time you picked your child up, put them down, and then never carried them ever again?
OMG that messed with me bad, and I don't even have my own kids. 😂
Love love love, I am filled with it! Sometimes I think God gave me a little too much! I have so much love to give to this world! Or maybe I'm just being over the top...
So if there's one thing you want to do right today, give those extra hugs and kisses to people you love!
Always with lots of love,
**This post was inspired by my friend Roberto Suarez from El Salvador who was describing to me the different types of love phrases in Spanish. In his own words, English is cold. 😂
Friday, November 5, 2021
Wow it's been such a long time since I wrote anything here. I don't even remember my password to Blogpsot anymore but as fate would have it, I felt a strong urge to write something today and when I opened the site, it was logged in already. The universe really wants me to write something today huh.
Anyway I don't even know who I write these for anymore...All my readers from 10 years ago probably already forgotten this blog exists because who even reads blogs anymore? So, I have come to the realization that I really write for me. For the future me, to look back on now me and say "Hey, we've come this far".
I used to write to express creativity, then I wrote for ad money, then it felt like a chore, then I stopped. Today, I write for my sanity. I just feel the urge to write something here today. Maybe my future self will read this post and feel some form of comfort, I really don't know but I will go with the flow on what my soul is guided to do today. Or maybe if I die, someone will remember that I had a blog, and they'll come to visit it for old time's sake. Hi mum! I know you'll be the first.
Anyone who has gone through periods of anxiety would know that NO ONE knows what you go through. No, it's not that feeling you get before you go on stage nor it is that feeling before you receive much awaited results on something.
Anxiety, is this devil that hides inside you, and creeps up on you during the most unsuspecting times. The worst part is sometimes, you don't even know why you feel anxious. Heck, I'll be happier feeling anxious KNOWING that it's my turn to go on stage for a performance because I know that after that, there'll be a feeling of relief and calm. But THIS anxiety, the crippling kind, just overcomes you and you don't know when it will go away.
When it hits you like a slap in the face, nothing anyone can tell you makes it go away. Just relax. Doesn't work. Deep breathing. Doesn't work. Don't think too much. I wasn't even thinking.
You often find yourself questioning, "What did I do wrong?"
It's so scary that when you get an anxious moment that you DO KNOW what the trigger was, deep down inside, you feel a little grateful that at least you know why...and then you can manage your thoughts to try to calm yourself down.
I don't really want to write much more about this because sometimes, just thinking about anxiety wakes up the sleeping anxiousness and I'm tired of it.
So I leave you with this poem I wrote:
A deal with Life
Life said, I'll give you joy,
If you take some hate,
I said, ok fair enough,
If I get hate, maybe it's just fate.
Life said, here take some money,
But I'll give you some times of uncertainty,
I said, why thank you,
Realizing later that money doesn't set you free.
Life said, I'll let you live longer than some,
But I gotta take away some health,
I said, no life is without tribulations,
Little did I know, this was a cause of much frustration.
Life said, I'll give you lots of time,
But remember, time is just an illusion,
I promised not to chase time,
But that has caused me lots of confusion.
Life said, I'll give you lots of wisdom,
But people will think you're crazy,
I thought I could easily hide it,
But it made me so lonely.
Life said, I'll give you love,
In exchange for a little heartache,
I said, ok I'll take it,
Not knowing how my heart would break.
Life said, I'll give you peace,
If you give up some of your sanity,
I shouldn't have agreed,
I didn't know that it meant, I would be plagued with anxiety.
Good night world.
Monday, November 20, 2017
5 Different Feelings at Work
We all know that a work day can sometimes be happy but sometimes crappy. Unless you're one of those people with a dream job. Boo. Don't tell me about it.
Our emotions at work can sometimes be a roller coaster of a ride. Working in events, I kid you not. It's a freaking love hate relationship with your job and your clients. This may relate to jobs in other industries too. But I'll be speaking from an events team perspective but you may find this relates to you.
These are the 5 emotions we may go through on a typical work day.
1. OMG I have shitloads of work to do! *freak out
Why won't these people stop calling me?! Don't you know that I just came back from nodding my head and saying "I understand" to a fussy organizer for the past hour? Yes yes I know you want your tax invoice. Yes and you need to know whether you can fit a big ass photo booth in the small function room you reluctantly paid for. Ok ok let me get to you in a moment..holy crap I still haven't done *insert whole to-do list here!
2. So bored..
Haih..no work to do so bored. OUCH! (Future busy me just slapped me on the face)
Note to self: enjoy and cherish free days like you will never get them again because you will never get them again. I'm serious.
3. You want what?
Cue: frustrated voice in accommodating tone *this is a skill. I kid you not.
Speaking to a client: What do you mean you want all the food counters to be crammed together? You want your coffee counter to be in front of the door? But..That will obstruct people from walking in and out of the room..Oh it's ok? You want the dessert counter sticking to the main course counter? But it doesn't look nice..You don't mind? You want us to change it now? The event in the opposite room is too noisy? You invited too many people and can we change your event to another room now? Why don't you tell me next year?!
Oh you want me to be here cos you think the microphone is going to malfunction later?
4. Hungry!
Oh I'm freaking hungry right now!
11.40pm: What?! 20 more minutes to lunch time?
3.00pm: Oh damn I'm hungry. Should've eaten more at lunch. Lemme eat some snacks.
6.00pm: Crap I'm hungry again. But I still have a lot of work to do! But I'm really hungry!
5. Self Reflection
Peaceful times: Actually this job is not bad. It's quite interesting. I love doing this cos I see different things all the time.
Stressful times: I hate my job. I'm not meant to do this. Why am I even here? Where is my life heading? What is the meaning of life!? I hate this! Last minute requests...argh! *browse jobstreet for "better opportunities"
What are the different feelings YOU experience during work?
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
5 Things To Do In Ho Chi Minh
However, if you really want to book a tour to, say, Cu Chi Tunnels or Mekong Delta like we did for 2 days of our trip, you can always book at the hotel or at the numerous travel agencies in the city. Each day tour cost us around Rm30+.
Boring details aside, I decided to write a post on the 5 things you should do when in Ho Chi Minh..
NUMBER 1: Cross the road fearlessly.
Note: fearlessly. This is VERY important in Ho Chi Minh. In a small city with a population of 13 million people and 8 million motorcycles, if you wanna cross the road, just do it, don't hesitate. Of course I don't mean dash across the road even though there are 100 motorcycles speeding towards you like you're the prize at the finish line. It's just that if you're too dependent on pedestrian traffic lights from wherever you come from, or if you've only crossed roads when the oncoming vehicle is 1 mile away, then you can just camp out on the side of the road cos in Ho Chi Minh, that's never gonna happen.
Here's a tip when crossing roads:DO NOT DASH ACROSS. Walk at a constant pace so motorcyclists can estimate their distance/speed/time..haha sounds nerdy..but it's true! I was looking at some motorcyclists when crossing the road and I realised that they just glanced at me, then continued on because they already know I'm there. Imagine if I suddenly hesitated and turned back! I might've been hit by a bike!
The motorcyclists won't sound their horns at you if they know they can avoid you cos they're all really good at swerving around cos traffic in Ho Chi Minh involves lots of swerving around and non-stop beeping of cars. If you ride on a taxi while you're there, your first experience might be kinda scary. Trust me. No one wanted to sit at the front.
I was never a fan of coffee but Vietnam is famous for its coffee and not drinking coffee in Vietnam is equivalent to not gargling after you brush your teeth. Ok bad example but you get what I mean.
We met up with a close friend of a relative in Ho Chi Minh. He's actually a Vietnamese tour guide and his hospitality was fabulous. Oh did I mention that service in Vietnam is really good? Anyway, he treated us like family when we were there and brought us to try local food at places that the typical tourist wouldn't go. We had this awesome seafood hotpot on our first night there and it was great even though we felt like melting in the restaurant.
I don't mean that the best coffee can only be found in this cafe but also in other coffee shops in the city. Just like this place in District 1 with it's tiny table and chairs (We didn't find out why many restaurants use short tables and chairs).
If you visit Ho Chi Minh, I'm pretty sure you'll visit Ben Thanh market. There are MANY things sold there like clothes, bags, souvenirs, shoes, etc. and they are cheap! However, you must BARGAIN! If they refuse to lower down the price for you, WALK AWAY. They'll most probably call out to you with a lower price and the further you walk, the lower the price goes. If it doesn't go to as low as you want it to be, or they still refuse to give you a better offer, don't worry. They're like 100 other stalls selling the exact same things.
There is a night market outside the Ben Thanh market every night when the day market closes. Tip: The night market sells the same things sold in the day market and are generally 3 TIMES more EXPENSIVE!
We had shopped the whole day in Ben Thanh market during the day and went to check out the prices in the night market. The price of almost everything was 3 times higher!
However, do go to the night market as it would be a good place for you to explore and get an idea of the price of things you wanna buy the next day at the day market.
For example, I asked for the price of a pair of batik pants. The girl said 300,000 Dong. I walked away because it was too expensive(and wasn't really interested in the designs she had anyway). At every step I took, her price kept going down. The last price she shouted to me was 120, 000 Dong. I still didn't buy it. I went to the Ben Thanh day market the next day and told the salesgirl from another stall selling the same pants that I would buy it for 100,000 Dong. She gave in after I started walking away.
Haha I think I sound very cheapskate telling people how I bargained but that's how you make your shopping money stretch!