Monday, April 11, 2022

Thank You

Thank you for your obsession with money so I can learn that money isn't everything.

Thank you for being materialistic so I realize that there is more beauty in intangible things.

Thank you for putting wealth above family so I know that doesn't go well in life.

Thank you for putting so much importance in a person's title and appearance, so that I know to look at a person's heart instead. 

Thank you for teaching me to pretend to be a different person to different people so that I know that I only want to be the real me all the time. 

Thank you for making me tell so many lies, so that I know I don't ever want to live a life full of deception. 

Thank you for the hard times so I can appreciate what I have now. 

Thank you for the trauma so I can learn to manage my thoughts.

Thank you for the selfishness so I know that my happiness is my own responsibility. 

Thank you for rarely being around, so I know how important it is to show up.

Thank you for missing every single milestone so I know how nothing is more important than just being present for the ones who love you.

Thank you for saying I love you and I miss you, but failing to make me believe it as a child, because as an adult, I realize that actions do speak louder than words. 

Thank you for believing that people only want to be around you when you are successful, so I know that I don't want to be surrounded by people like that. 

Thank you for making empty promises, so I know how much value a promise should hold.

Thank you for all the disappointment for it has taught me that nothing in life is certain.

Thank you for abusing your health, as it has taught me to cherish mine. 

Thank you for thinking we would be happier around a materially successful you, as I have realized that our loved ones are happy to be around us no matter who we are. 

Thank you for forever holding on to the belief that your happiness will come when you achieve this big thing, for it has taught me that happiness comes from within. 

Thank you for constantly putting yourself in stressful situations for the sake of money, so I can value peace before material success. 

Thank you for placing value in a person's physical appearance, so I learn to place value in a person's soul. 

Thank you for believing that people only love you with certain conditions, because that has taught me that true love is unconditional.

And most of all,

thank you for being exactly the way you are, because of that,


Tears shed, wounds healing.

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